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Say hello to August, Taurus! You’re ditching your practical and grounded approach and you’re ready to take some risks! On August 1, Mars, the planet of action, and Uranus, the planet of shock and surprise, meet at the same point in your sign. You may find yourself making decisions you never thought you’d make! This energy may have you seeking serious change and feeling ready to break free from old patterns and limitations.

You’re ready to start prioritizing more play and pleasure in your life as Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Virgo on August 3. Mercury is the ruling planet of Virgo and it gains strength as it moves through this sign. You may start putting more mental energy into dating, a creative project, or cultivating more joy in your life. Tension between work and your personal ambitions may reach new heights on August 7 when Mars in Taurus squares off with Saturn in Aquarius. If you’re having issues with a boss, conflicts may escalate. This is reactive energy, but patience will serve you well.

It’s time to jump off the overthinking train on August 8 when Venus in Cancer sits across from Pluto in Capricorn. You may find yourself caught up in obsessive thoughts and reflecting on power dynamics within your relationships. This is a powerful time for some honest reflection on your belief system and thought process. Make a change if necessary.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 11 may signal the end of a major project or have you feeling ready to leave your job. A career or position change is on the horizon, but it can feel like a difficult decision to make as the Moon is angling toward some of the more challenging planets. You’ll find an abundance of safety and security at home and with family members on the same day once Venus enters Leo. Lean on your loved ones.

Your focus turns to your family on August 14 when the Sun in Leo has a tug-of-war with Saturn in Aquarius at the top of your chart. You may feel more raw or exposed than normal. Some of the challenges you’ve been dealing with in your private life may reach the public stage (like social media or y9our group chat). Struggles between your personal and professional life may be at odds, and you can feel torn in two directions. Do your best—no one can be in two places at once.

You may feel like someone is watching out for you on August 18 when the Sun in Leo mingles with Jupiter in Aries. If you’re spiritual, this is an aligned time to flex your psychic muscles and tune into messages from your ancestors and spirit team. Mars enters Gemini on August 20—where it will stay until March of next year due to a long retrograde, so buckle up! This transit will activate the part of your chart that has to do with your finances and work. You may be spending more than normal, so keep an eye on your budget.

You’re ready to let loose as the Sun enters Virgo on August 22, kicking off Virgo season 2022. Your job for the next 30 days is to run all questions by your inner child. Does that activity bring joy to your life? Your to-do list is about to start piling up on August 25 when Mercury enters Libra. You may be working on an important work project or feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to do your job, run errands, eat, exercise, and sleep! Try not to overextend yourself–it could affect your physical and mental health. You may be ready to shock and surprise some family members on August 26 when Venus in Leo squares off with Uranus in your sign. Perhaps you’re ready to reveal a more authentic version of yourself, or someone in your family delivers unexpected news. If you need space from loved ones, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

The New Moon in Virgo on August 27 delivers a fresh start in your love life. Romance is in the air, and this is the perfect time to start swimming around in the dating pool. This New Moon also signals the beginning of a creative project or reconnecting with activities or hobbies that bring you joy. Carve out time in your schedule to *not* be productive, just to have fun.

Before the month ends, the skies deliver one more dose of harshness. Family drama may reach new heights as Venus in Leo clashes with Saturn in Aquarius on August 28. Someone you’re used to relying on may not be available, and loneliness may enter the chat. This energy is quick and fleeting, so although it can feel heavy and devastating, try to focus on those you can rely on. A few positive affirmations can help combat any frustrations that arise under these tumultuous skies.

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