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Gemini, your focus turns toward collaboration and your closest partnerships during Sagittarius season. Which relationships are you investing your time in, and where are they headed? The month starts off with some promising discussions around future planning and goals on December 1 as Venus in Sagittarius meets with Saturn in Aquarius. You and your partner may be comparing your five-year plans. Do you both want the same things? This is time to get on the same page. In business, some exciting opportunities and collaborations may come your way, too! Neptune, the planet of whimsy and wonder, stations direct on December 3, and you’re hit with a wave of creativity and inspiration in your career.

You’ve got your rose-colored glasses on when it comes to love on December 4 when Venus in Sagittarius clashes with Neptune in Pisces. You’re feeling more optimistic about your future with your partner or other key relationships in your life. Ride the highs, but try to stay grounded. If something feels too good to be true, it probably is. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters serious Capricorn on December 6 and you may be discussing potential contracts with others, or discussing shared finances with a loved one. Lead with vulnerability.

The Full Moon in Gemini on December 7 asks you to own your anger. This Full Moon will be sitting right next to Mars, the planet of war, and it brings the focus back to you and your needs–don’t be afraid to assert yourself or share any frustrations that have been simmering beneath the surface. You deserve to advocate for yourself! Some cosmic relief arrives a few days later on December 9, when Venus in Sagittarius shares a kiss with Jupiter in Pisces. Lucky collaborations and opportunities may show up out of the blue. There is a harmonious and expansive energy flowing in your relationships and connections today. Don’t be afraid to send that email and ask for what you want! Venus, the planet of love, enters Capricorn the same day, and you may be connecting with people in power who can help you out.

An emotional breakthrough arrives on December 17 when Mercury in Capricorn links up with Uranus in Taurus. Don’t panic—this doesn’t mean it will be draining and harrowing. This energy is inspiring and it can make you feel like you’re on the precipice of an awakening. You’re ready to release old ways of thinking. Jupiter, the planet of blessings and expansion, enters Aries on December 20. What was going on in your life around May 10? That’s the last time Jupiter made this seismic shift into headstrong Aries. This energy has you expanding your network and connecting with new and inspiring people. A dream or wish you’ve been working toward may also be realized. Don’t stop believing in yourself—you’re so close!

Capricorn season begins on December 21, which coincides with the winter solstice. As the season shifts, so does your focus. You’re turning inward and reflecting on your past as the Sun moves through this part of your chart. How can you embrace, forgive, and extend compassion to yourself? In more practical terms, you may also be focusing on your shared resources with a partner, settling debt, dealing with taxes, or an inheritance of some sort. Luckily, support arrives on the same day when the Sun in Capricorn clashes with bountiful Jupiter in Aries. You may be connecting with influential people who not only see your vision, but believe in it, too.

The New Moon in Capricorn on December 23 marks a fresh start for releasing the past and settling debts. This fresh energy is perfect for reworking your budget, especially finances you share with a partner or with others. You might be connecting with particularly creative and inspiring people on December 28, when Venus in Capricorn meets with Neptune in Pisces. You’re feeling empowered and supported.

Ride the wave of momentum while it lasts because Mercury Retrograde begins in Capricorn on the following day. You may be reviewing or reconsidering investments and contracts with others. This is also a significant time to review your past and release any old stories that you no longer need to identify with or carry. You’re ready for a transformative glow up!

Your Mercury Retrograde Survival Kit

Mercury and Venus, both in Capricorn, meet at the same point in the sky on December 29, marking a moment of assistance, whether it’s financial or emotional. Conversations that take place today can be raw and vulnerable, but no matter the topic, be sure to open up and express your truth. The year ends on a dramatic note as Venus and Pluto, both in Capricorn, meet at the same point in the sky on December 31. You’re considering the power dynamics that exist within all of your existing relationships. How do your fears continue to play out in our partnerships? Feelings of jealousy, manipulation, and paranoia can be kicked up under this transit. You’re leading with your instincts. Don’t be afraid to reclaim your power. You may also receive a reality check around your desires and fears.

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