A woman was left terrified after moving into a new home to find a "creepy" passage to the basement from inside the closet.

TikTok user @VTmegs and her family just moved from Seattle to California in the US and rented a spacious two-bed house after a quick viewing.

After moving in, she realised the house is full of quirks like security cameras in the corner of every room and also something strange in the "pantry room".

In one video she posted, she shows what's the pantry room looks like and notices there are locks are the outside of the door.

She says: "Alright so we just rented a new house and we have this pantry and we're wondering why the pantry door has got these locks, because it's literally just a closet."

The tiny room is fitted with several white racks where she puts her grocery shopping.

"And so I open the door and noticed what looks like a hatch in the floor. What the f*** is this??" she continues as she pans the camera to the floor, showing the wooden tiles with a door handle on the side.

"I'm legit freaked out by this because they did not mention a basement or anything in the listing, so I'm gonna open this."

Below the door reveals a paint-tinted staircase which leads to a dark basement and the American mum quickly shuts it, adding: "Yep, no, no, no, no."

The video attracted more than 600,000 views and people were keen to know what's underneath.

She posted a second clip and explained that she and her husband found a metal stopper to hold the hatch and a switch to turn on the lights in the basement.

"I'm gonna go down," she says after taking a deep breath. "I haven't actually not been down here, don't want to get freaked out.

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"It's still very sketchy down here. I do not like this. I do not like this at all.

"There's lots of dirt and cables and this is where the security cameras are hooked up."

Apparently most area of the basement is blocked and filled with concrete and it's left with a small space for one to two people to stand by the stairs.

There is also a small window opening with little sunlight coming in and some insulation pipes set in the overhead beams.

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