If you enjoyed exclusive celebrity and entertainment news through our app, thank you for reading. We value your love of reading the latest entertainment news from us, but this is an update to confirm we’ve decided it’s time to discontinue the HollywoodLife app. On February 5, 2021 the app will no longer be updated and it will be removed from the app store.

You can keep reading all the exciting news from our website on your phones and other devices and there are still several ways that you can continue seeing and reading all of HollywoodLife’s exclusive and breaking news. We’ll walk you through it.

Here’s what to do next:

Delete the existing app

When the app is removed on Feb. 5, it will still appear as an icon on your phone. New articles will not appear in the feed after this date. Delete the app following your phone manufacturer’s guide and switch to one (or all!) of the options below to continue getting your film and television news.

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You can find and add HollywoodLife to your Google News and Apple News reader apps following instructions in the articles below:

How-to add a news source on Google News

How to subscribe to a channel on Apple News

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