Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – August 24, 2023

It’s exam results time again. And, as Mars prepares to head into Libra, it’s not just students who are facing issues of fairness and competition. We are all subject to this cosmic influence. 

Yet today’s Mars-Venus link is there to remind us that self-worth does not have to depend on certificates.

Anyone with a true heart can succeed in life without the need to achieve a grade.


Mar 21 – Apr 20 

When we are feeling trapped, it’s comforting to remember that nothing lasts for ever. The familiar patterns of our days are so repetitive that we can feel stuck walking along the same old path (rather than heading out on more adventurous journeys). Although you see the value of the routines you’re committed to, you’re feeling worn down. As your ruler Mars prepares to move signs, you can take a risk. If you’re brave enough to take the first step, you can instigate a change you’ll enjoy. Make the most of your opportunities. 

Your in-depth, four-minute forecast has inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5601.

As Mars prepares to head into Libra, it’s not just students who are facing issues of fairness and competition


Apr 21 – May 21 

Your memory has been jogged and you’re looking back and questioning why you made a decision that led you to where you are now. It’s complicated because our minds hold on to the past in ways that remove some of the facts and we gaze back with a rose-tinted view. Yes, you need to understand what happened from a different perspective. You’ve got a chip on your shoulder (where you deserve to have a glow of pride). By being aware of the process you’re going through, you’ll see why you’ve done well. 

I’ve got much more to tell you. Your latest four-minute forecast is packed with insight. Call 0906 751 5602.


 May 22 – June 22 

It would be great to have X-ray vision and see through walls. Yet we’re mere humans, with limited superpowers, so how can we attain such valuable insights? Fortunately, once in a while, the cosmos blesses us with inner vision. And, as your ruler Mercury slips back through the skies, you’re shown things that were previously hidden. The discoveries might not be comfortable but they’ll empower you. You’re about to see why a difficult situation is less scary than you think. 

Worried? There’s a special message for you when you call your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

If only you had made another decision and done ‘that’ (instead of ‘this’). Suppose you’d chosen X (rather than Y)? Think how differently things might have turned out. Stop! Questioning choices is self-imposed torture. My job is to remind you of the uselessness of this kind of thinking. And remind you that there’s no need for it, nor any point in it. With regards to a key situation, you’re still in the process of working out what’s going on. As you gain insight, you’ll realise there’s no reason to have any regrets. Make the most of your opportunities. 

Your in-depth, four-minute forecast has inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – Aug 23

‘What the world needs now, is love, sweet love.’ It’s an old song but it’s a good one. In these challenging times, its message seems more relevant than ever. Some things never change. And the need of love is one of those constants. Not only is it always needed. It’s always attainable. Phew. Right now, with Venus in your sign, if you look for it, you’ll find that there’s as much love as you need. And, as the planet of love links with Mars, you can access it, and use it to help someone who needs more of it in their world. 

Do yourself a favour, treat yourself! There’s exciting news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – August 24, 2023


Aug 24 – Sep 23 

No matter how many hours you spend in front of a screen, you’ll be lucky if you see anyone saying anything meaningful. It’s astonishing! Here we all are, on this amazing planet, experiencing the miracle of existence. Yet we rarely stop to notice. We get so caught up in quick-fix dopamine hits that we forget to appreciate simply being here. With the Sun settling into your sign, and your ruler Mercury now retrograde, this is a chance to reflect and reboot. Look out for tangible reasons to feel positive. They’re coming your way. I’ve got much more to tell you. 

Your latest four-minute forecast is packed with insight. Call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 – Oct 23 

You do not have to be an expert to guide people. Sometimes you need just enough confidence (to take action when necessary) and enough humility (to stop taking action if something goes wrong). It’s a rare mix of skills but one you’re blessed with. As Mars prepares to enter your sign, trust what you’re sure of. Trust, too, whatever you find yourself doubting. As Mars links with your ruler Venus today, not only are you in tune with people’s feelings, you’re surprisingly decisive. Enjoy. Worried? 

There’s a special message for you when you call your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.


Oct 24 – Nov 22 

If you don’t set yourself a challenge, how can you expect to work a miracle? You don’t think you’re capable of one of those? I’d question that. You’ve witnessed miracles before. Haven’t you noticed they happen when someone sets out to do something ‘impossible’? When you think about it, our existence is a miracle. And the chances of finding ourselves on a planet that sustains life are almost impossible. Which means miracles are part and parcel of life. Anything is possible today. Dream big and believe. Make the most of your opportunities. 

Your in-depth, four-minute forecast has inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

No one can hurt us like the people we love. Harsh words from folk we hardly know bounce off, like water off a duck’s back. But those same words, from someone we care about, can wound. To protect ourselves, should we raise the drawbridge of our heart and close ourselves off? The problem with this policy is we end up isolated. As Mars (power) links with Venus (love) today, it brings courage to look at your sensitivities regarding a relationship. With gentle honesty, you can strengthen a bond. 

Do yourself a favour and treat yourself! There’s exciting news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 – Jan 20 

The more successful people become, the harder it is to criticise them. They’ve navigated a path to the top so who are we to question their decisions/behaviour? Yet when someone who’s doing their best to climb the hill to success makes a mistake, we’re quick to point out their error. You’re making progress. You know you’re not infallible. And with your high standards, there are bound to be moments when you’re not perfect. That’s OK. Only listen to advice given by people who have your best interests at heart today. 

I’ve got much more to tell you. Your latest four-minute forecast is packed with insight. Call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

Every now and then, we have moments of clarity when we sense the beauty and goodness of our world. With an intuitive sense of the ‘rightness’ of being here, we can approach challenges with confidence and courage. But, as life takes us further from that understanding, we forget that difficulties are opportunities to learn about ourselves and fellow humans. Today’s Mars-Venus link brings clarity. You’ll see how to deal with a problematic situation. Beyond that, lies a bright way to fulfil a goal. 

Worried? There’s a special message for you when you call your four-minute, week-ahead forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

While it’s true some rules should never be broken, there are others that are bendable. I’m not talking about the rules that affect and protect society. I’m referring to personal codes and practices, which evolve according to life experiences. There are times when it’s appropriate (and helpful) to question the rules we’ve set for ourselves. Today brings a reminder of your Piscean ability to adapt and modify. As long as you follow your conscience, you don’t have to conform to anyone else’s standards. 

Do yourself a favour and treat yourself! There’s exciting news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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