Homebase UK provide advice on June gardening jobs

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The garden is one of the best spots on any property during the warmer months, but it can be the centre of many disputes for homeowners and their neighbours. While obvious laws like trespassing and anti-social behaviour are easy to understand, there are some unusual rules that you might not know of. From pruning plants to picking fresh fruit, these are the six garden laws you should be aware of to avoid accidentally breaking them this summer.

Your garden shed must meet certain criteria

If you’re thinking of getting a new garden shed this summer, it will need to meet some “stringent criteria”, according to garden shed specialists, Waltons.

While sheds that are not used as a separate dwelling will not need planning permission, there are a few things to consider when placing your new garden outhouse.

Even if you only plan to use the shed for shortage, you should always make sure that no part of the structure exceeds 2.5 metres in height if it comes within two metres of the garden boundary, wall or fence.

Every garden owner has a right to privacy

On private property such as a house or garden, everyone has a right to privacy – especially from nearby neighbours.

Security cameras placed outdoors should only capture film within the confines of your own garden or public space so as not to infringe on your neighbours privacy.

According to Waltons, smoky barbecues, bubbling hot tubs and noisy parties could all be deemed as nuisance behaviour too – so be considerate of your neighbours when it comes to enjoying time out in your garden.

In fact, children peering into your own garden, or looking over into neighbouring spaces could also warrant action too.

Waltons said: “Kids love trampolines, but if your neighbours’ kids can peer into your garden with every bounce, it can make you feel somewhat spied upon.

2The good news is, you don’t necessarily have to put up with it – you do have a right to your privacy. If all else fails, your local authority should be able to help.”

‘Dangerous’ overgrowth is your responsibility – even if you rent

If a plant is rooted in your garden and is visibly overhanging into neighbouring properties, you are responsible for dealing with any “dangerous” branches or foliage.

If rotting branches fall on to the next door, Waltons explained that you should “be prepared” to foot the bill for necessary repairs.

Even if you’re a tenant renting a property, you may still be liable for damage inflicted by “dangerous trees”.

You should read your lease agreement to see where your responsibility lies to make sure you are taking care of the garden, or that the landlord is notified before a problem occurs.

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Light is protected in your home and garden

If you’re unhappy with a large plant impeding the free flow of light through your windows, you may be in your rights to get it removed.

According to Waltons, if you widows have benefitted from uninterrupted exposure to light during the past 20 years or more before the tree was planted, you have the right to ask for it to be pruned or removed.

You can’t always cut back garden plants

Some trees may be subject to a tree preservation order, in which case you will need to check with your local council before cutting back plants on either your side, or your neighbours side of the garden.

Hold off on the loppers, axe or chainsaw until you have confirmation that you can cut the tree down.

Waltons explained that by law, you are entitled to trim any overhanging leaves and branches up to the boundary line, but since the debris remains the property of your neighbour, you can’t get rid of it without their say so.

You can’t claim fallen fruit in your garden

The law pertaining to dangling fruit is clear cut: what emanates from your side of the line is yours; what dangles over the fence from your neighbour’s side is theirs, said Waltons.

If fallen pears, apples or other fruits hang over from a neighbouring property, you must ask permission from your neighbours before harvesting them.

In fact, fallen fruit is also protected. Detached pickings aren’t fair game either if the plant root is not in your own garden.

Before throwing fallen fruits back over into your neighbour’s green space, think again – it could be considered fly-tipping. The same goes for twigs and plant overgrowth too.

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