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Princess Charlotte is just seven years old, so one might assume her favourite foods are sweets, chocolate and chicken nuggets and chips. However, mum Kate, Princess of Wales revealed that the little Princess has very refined taste.

The Royal Family – including the kiddies – have access to some of the most marvellous cuisine on offer.

But does this mean Princess Charlotte, and her brothers Princes George and Louis, have more adult tastebuds – or do they like to stick to kiddie food?

Kate once revealed that young Charlotte is a big fan of olives, which is one of those divisive ingredients – like mushrooms, dark chocolate, blue cheese or oysters.

Kate visited Great Ormond Street Hospital back in 2018 to open a new medical facility and spoke to four-year-old Rafael Chana who was awaiting a heart transplant.

Speaking about their favourite snacks and meals, Kate reportedly said: “I used to eat lots and lots of olives when I was little as well.”

And clearly Princess Charlotte inherited that from her mummy, as the young royal also loves snacking on olives.

During a visit to Lavender Primary School in 2019, Kate got chatting to the schoolchildren and told them that “Charlotte loves olives”.

But in addition to this very grownup snack, the young Princess also loves comfort food and family favourite – cheesy pasta.

Speaking about Kate’s visit, Matthew Kleiner-Mann, chief executive of the Ivy Learning Trust, said: “She was telling us how much her children love cooking and how they cook for her. They made cheesy pasta the other day.”

Kate likes to get her children involved in her culinary ventures: “One stirs the flour, one puts the milk and butter in, and they make salads and stuff.”

Kate has touched upon her children’s eating habits on a number of occasions.

She spoke to Mary Berry about growing their own vegetables at home and which ones the children particularly enjoy.

During this chat, Kate revealed that Princess Charlotte is a big fan of Charlotte potatoes – “obviously”.

She revealed that Princess Charlotte isn’t the only Wales child who loves her veggies.

Kate continued: “We grow our own vegetables, we’ve got carrots, beans, beetroot’s a massive favourite, Louis absolutely loves beetroot.”

As for George’s favourite food, celebrity chef Aldo Zilli claimed that the eldest son’s favourite meal is spaghetti carbonara.

He told the Daily Mail: “I’m waiting for the call because apparently his little boy’s favourite is spaghetti carbonara, so I’m waiting for the call to go and cook it for him.

“If George has my carbonara, he will never have another one, so I need to go and make it, let’s get the ball rolling, send me to the palace to cook!”

Kate is fond of trying out new recipes with the kids, encouraging them to be “creative” with it. The family were big fans of Mary Pizza’s homemade pizza recipe.

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