TV legend Michael Aspel has recalled sharing a ‘tremendous’ kiss with Dame Elizabeth Taylor.

The This Is Your Life star, 90, has shared an insight into his most renowned interviews, including with the likes of Richard Gere and Cleopatra actress Dame Elizabeth.

He revealed: ‘Elizabeth Taylor was the only person I ever sent a fan letter to because we are the same age – and I got a photograph back a year-and-a-half later.

‘I looked at the signature and I wet my finger and tried but it didn’t rub off, so it wasn’t ink.

‘But she did come on the chat show that I did for London Weekend Television, Aspel & Company. She had the show to herself, and she was terrific.’

He went on: ‘She was absolutely perfect, and at the end of the interview, which was very honest, funny and quite bawdy, as we were having our photographs taken, she said: “Is there any lipstick on my teeth?”

‘And I thought the interview had gone very well and I could be cheeky, so I said: “No, but I wouldn’t mind some on mine.”

‘She just smiled and we went for a drink with everybody.

‘As I was chatting with someone else, I noticed she came by my side and she was glossing up with lipstick.

‘Then she took my face between her hands and gave me this tremendous kiss and it was magenta all across my cheek.’

That’s not the only celebrity story Michael revealed, as the Crackerjack host also spilt the tea on his time interviewing the likes of Barbra Streisand and Blondie, as he marked a return to radio for a special one-off Boom Radio show, alongside Graham Dene.

Of Funny Girl singer Barbra, Michael said: ‘I had to go to a hotel to interview Barbra Streisand for a TV show – she wouldn’t come to the studios.

‘Instead, she had got all the lighting in the world – but we had to sit about 15ft apart.

‘There was absolutely no real contact. It was very brief.’

Nonetheless, he added that she was ‘very polite and pleasant’.

‘In fact, it was that politeness that stopped us from having a really good conversation.

‘She was very nice, but it felt as though it was something you could have done over the phone.’

Meanwhile, Blondie was unable to sit down during Michael’s Capital Breakfast Show, which he presented from 1974 to 1984.

He revealed: ‘I waited for Blondie to show up to Capital Radio and she was due at 11am, and my show finished at midday – and she arrived at five minutes to 12.

‘When she came in, she was wearing a dress so tight that she couldn’t sit down.

‘So I did this short interview with her standing up above me, glaring down at me but it didn’t put me off at all.

‘I don’t think there are many people who can say they’ve interviewed Blondie while she was standing up!’

Michael also revealed an interview with Richard, who refused to be called a ‘sex symbol’.

He explained: ‘When Richard Gere came on the show, I introduced him and at the end I said, and “he’s done this, he’s done that”, and I used the phrase “sex symbol”. 

‘After the interview, we had a phone call from his agent saying if I didn’t remove the sex symbol thing, they were going to take it up with their lawyer.

‘He would not be known as a sex symbol. It was very odd. But he took himself very seriously, because he did a lot of stuff for the people of Tibet.’

Michael Aspel and Graham Dene will be together on Boom Radio [] at 9am on Sunday, October 8.

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