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It looks like fresh drama is about to rock the I’m A Celebrity…South Africa camp as one star gets busted for sneaking in contraband.

The spin-off series sees campmates from previous seasons return to the jungle once again. Big names including Carol Vorderman, Jordan Banjo and Shaun Ryder are competing for the ultimate champions title.

During Thursday’s preview, 2017 winner Georgia Toffolo asks the celebs to gather round together as she reads a note from show bosses.

‘Celebrities, there is contraband in camp. You will not get your dinner until you have all surrendered – with all underlined – the contraband. There is an amnesty bowl in the Telegraph,’ she tells them.

After a stunned Amir Khan asks ‘what is a contraband?’ the camera pans to a number of guilty faces, but zones in on Gillian McKeith’s.

The You Are What You Eat star, 63, managed to hide mints, almonds and tea bags and use them in camp.

Gillian was heard telling fellow campmate and actress Helen Flanagan: ‘I’ve got salt, I’ve got almonds,’ before she replied: ‘We’d get into so much s*** Gillian, do you not think?’

Gillian brushes off the comments and replies: ‘I don’t know…’

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Well we’ll see how her fellow co-stars feel about the star sneaking in personal goods.

Gillian’s admission comes after she revealed she ‘smuggled contraband’ in her knickers during her stint on the 2010 series.

‘I feel proud of the fact I smuggled all this contraband in my knickers, I had a lot more but I’ve used it,’ she said at the time.

‘Do you think I was going to come here without any flavour? You must be mad. That’s why the dishes tasted so good, I could happily eat the food without flavour, but I did it for the team. They really appreciated it.’

During Wednesday’s episode, the Scottish presenter’s bizarre wardrobe choice coupled with her hair braids and an Australian slouch hat sent viewers into a frenzy online as they hilariously roasted her.

Another joked: ‘Anytime I see Gillian McKeith wearing those sunglasses all I can think of is Willy Wonka in this scene from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [sic].’ 

‘Gillian McKeith looking like the lovechild of Elton John and Boy George,’ a social media user said while a separate account shared: ‘Why does Gillian McKeith look like a mix of Madge from Benidorm and Elton john [sic].’

I’m A Celebrity… South Africa returns on Thursday on ITV1 and ITVX at 9pm.

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