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Olivia Colman has made a stern transformation into the eerie Miss Havisham for BBC’s adaptation of Great Expectations.

The Crown star will be joining Fionn Whitehead and Shalom Brune-Franklin as Pip and Estella respectively in the new series of Charles Dickens’ renowned work.

First released in weekly chapters in 1860, the classic follows an orphan named Pip who suddenly comes into a large fortune and is forced to navigate between his newfound wealth and the poverty of Victorian England.

Along the way, Pip meets Miss Havisham and Estella who open up a dark world of possibilities.

‘Under the great expectations placed upon him, Pip will have to work out the cost of this new world and whether it will truly make him the man he wishes to be,’ the synopsis adds.

Alongside Olivia and Fionn, the six-part series will see Ashley Thomas, Johnny Harris, Hayley Squires, Owen McDonnell, Trystan Gravelle, Rudi Dharmalingam and Matt Berry.

Olivia Colman

The chilling trailer begins with Miss Havisham warning Pip: ‘When I was young, I was blinded by love, now look on what remains of me.’

Hidden in the shadows of her ruined mansion, Olivia’s Miss Havisham, decked out in her fated wedding dress, questions Pip before watching him grow.

The clip then cuts to a teenage Pip growing closer to Estella, from playing games together as children to learning ballroom steps in each other’s arms.

‘Innocent, moments before the great corruption,’ Miss Havisham’s voice hair-rising voice interrupts.

As Pip falls for Estella, he’s introduced to the world around them, he’s forced to face violence, poverty and all that he had been hidden from.

Meanwhile, he must win Estella, who has been taught not to love men, while she remains Miss Havisham’s ‘weapon of love’ and ‘prized creature’.

Great Expectations will air on BBC One and BBC iPlayer later this year.

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