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Former Coronation Street star Matthew Marsden has come under fire for urging people to ditch face masks and stop getting Covid tests.

The 48-year-old has made his views on the pandemic evident with a series of Twitter posts, in which he also appeared to mock the NHS and encouraged his followers to refuse the coronavirus vaccine.

In one tweet, Matthew, who moved to Hollywood two decades ago, wrote: "People calling for the testing of people that have no symptoms of a virus are out of their minds."

Matthew also shared an article from a second far-right website, first posted by a Twitter account named, Suspicious Minds.

The headline read: "British Medical Journal: Covid study finds 'no evidence of asymptomatic transmission'."

Adding his own thoughts, Matthew wrote: "Fancy that. But yeah, let's move forward spending millions on tests… so we can 'save the NHS'."

Matthew, who has also appeared in the movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, has also discussed his view on the vaccine.

He wrote: "It should not be controversial for someone to advocate for a persons right to choose whether or not they should be injected with a chemical.

"Personal liberty should be something everyone should get behind. The inconsistency in which it is applied by some, is staggering," he added.

Matthew's views have caused controversy, with one person commenting: "Idiots like you and her are why 500,000 people died in this country."

Another questioned his credibility, writing: "Actor, producer, singer and former model…. I don't see MD or any other credential that qualifies you to speak on this topic. You are a danger to the health, safety and lives of all humans."

Speaking about Matthew's advice to stop taking covid tests, another person wrote: "Wrong! It goes on forever if we don't test.

"Captain sensible here is yet to figure that out…I doubt if he ever will to be fair. It must be difficult as a wealthy actor, having to sit at home as poor people die. My heart goes out to him."

33.7 million Brits have now had their first dose of the Covid vaccine, which has greatly helped to lower infection rates.

OK! online has contacted Matthew's representative for comment.

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