Woman goes viral after revealing the brilliant hack she used to clap back at a catcaller who harassed her as she walked by a construction site

  • Daphne Berry, 28, from Australia, shared her response to the man on TikTok 
  • She took Kyle’s Prue’s advice from his ‘How to Upset Men’ series
  • Berry was delighted to find out that the patronizing line worked like a charm  

An Australian woman has gone viral after revealing the brilliant way she clapped back at a construction worker who catcalled her in front of his coworkers. 

Daphne Berry, 28, is known as @berridaph on TikTok, where she shares her opinions and comedic stories about her life with her nearly 180,000 followers. 

The content creator explained in a recent video that she used influencer Kyle Prue’s response for catcallers from his ‘How to Upset Men’ series. 

When a construction worker harassed her as she walked by, she didn’t get flustered or try to ignore him. Instead, she pretended she thought he was begging for money.  

Daphne Berry, 28, from Australia, went viral on TikTok after revealing how she clapped back at a catcaller on the street 

The content creator explained in a recent video that she used influencer Kyle Prue’s response for catcallers from his ‘ How to Upset Men ‘ series

‘This man just catcalled me at the front of a construction site, and so I yelled back at him, “Sorry, I don’t have any change,”‘ she said, laughing. 

‘And the way that all the men on the construction site started laughing at and pointing at him and made him feel so s**t.’ 

Like many of the other TikToker users who put Prue’s advice to the test, she was delighted to find out that it really works. 

‘It’s that simple. “Sorry, I don’t have any change,”‘ she concluded. 

Berry’s video has been viewed 3.7 million times and has received more than 2,600 comments since it was posted on September 29. 

Many women shared that they were going to remember the line for the next time they find themselves in an uncomfortable situation.  

‘AHAHA yes! I’m using this line,’ one person wrote. 

‘I’m saving this in the back of my brain,’ someone else agreed. 

‘This man just catcalled me at the front of a construction site, and so I yelled back at him, “Sorry, I don’t have any change,”‘ she said, laughing

Berry’s video has been viewed 3.7 million times and has received more than 2,600 comments since it was posted on September 29

‘I love this,’ another added. ‘Definitely trying.’

There were some users who admitted that they didn’t get why the line was insulting and asked other viewers to explain the joke to them. 

Others shared they would be too afraid to use the line out of fear it would only provoke the man. 

‘I’d do this but I’m not ready to die,’ one woman commented. 

‘Why would I be too scared to do this thinking they would come and attack me,’ someone else questioned. 

There were also a few fans who tagged Prue to let him know that his ‘gospel is spreading.’ 

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