A cheeky tot was “left looking like Miley Cyrus” after giving herself a DIY mullet haircut.

Jessica Tree, from Crosswell, Pembrokeshire, picked the wrong time to hack at her locks as it was her baby brother’s christening just four weeks later.

But this didn’t stop the three-year-old from experimenting.

She told her mum she needed to use the toilet, then managed to reach on top of the bathroom cabinets to grab the scissors.

Within 10 minutes, Jessica had trimmed her fringe ultra-short and was left with clumps of blonde hair in her hand.

Horrified mum Lizzie Tree, 28, recalled: "Mum had come up for a little chat in the garden and the kids were supposed to all be playing out with us.”

The mum-of-four, who's married to 35-year-old mechanic Chris Tree, pushed the bathroom door open to discover a 'proud-looking' Jessica minus a chunk of her fringe.

She explained: "Jessica had supposedly gone into the bathroom for a wee but she'd been gone for 10 minutes and when they go quiet, that's when you know something's up.

"I went through wondering where she'd gone. She'd shut the door, not locked it luckily, so she obviously knew she was being naughty.

"She'd reached up, I still don't know how she got them from right on top of the cabinets, and got my proper hairdressing scissors.

"She was sitting in the bathroom with a lovely pile of hair in front of her and looking proper proud of herself.”

Lizzie added: "I was so, so sad. Yes, she did a really good job – it's nice and straight – but it was such a shock.

"I showed her it in the mirror and she said 'I don't like it ' and I said 'well why did you do it?' and she said 'oh mummy I want hair like yours' – I've grown my fringe out.

"When I composed myself I brought her out into the garden, my hubby and mum were in hysterics and I was just a little bit sad about it.

"Without the christening I think I would have just laughed it off as well but there's going to be pictures for the rest of her life looking like that.

"A lot of people think it'll grow out by the christening but I don't know."

Lizzie compared her new ‘do to Miley Cyrus’ mullet – much to the amusement of social media users.

She joked: "She's quite a fashion-forward tot now she's got a mullet.

"I think the worrying thing is that she looks like Miley Cyrus – it's my worst nightmare that she looks like her.

"I think if there were better people in the industry that looked like that it wouldn't be so bad but the people I don't want her to follow after, she looks like."

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The newborn photographer admitted she would have laughed off the DIY disaster, but has now bought a clip-in fringe so little Jessica can be picture perfect for her little brother's christening later this month.

Lizzie said: "I bought a little clip-in fringe online two hours after she did it…

"Everyone saw the funny side on social media – people commented and said she looked like a mini redneck.

"She could have done a far worse job, she could have got her dad's hair shavers out that were right next to the scissors!”

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