ARE summer beach days and the thought of baring skin stressing you out?

You’re not the only one.

A YouGov survey found 46% of Brits have a negative body image.

We get it – it’s not always easy to love your body, however much you want to.

Of course, all bodies are beach-ready, but if a flat, toned tummy is high on your wish list, there are ways to tighten up your middle that don’t involve bashing out hundreds of sit-ups or swerving all your favourite foods. 

“Be kind to yourself and remember that women hold more body fat than men, due to a higher concentration of the hormone oestrogen,” says Jo-Leigh Morris, Pilates and fitness coach for WithU app.

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Here, she shares her top lifestyle and exercise tips to help you feel great this bikini season.


1. Remember, abs are genetic 

Just like eye and hair colour, DNA determines how your abs look and function.

“It also determines your muscle fibres and how your body breaks down fat and stores it,” says Jo-Leigh.

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“So getting washboard abs will be easier for some.”

That said, we do all have them.

“And with consistency, they can become visible,” Jo-Leigh adds.

It’s about reducing the layer of fat over the top of them. 

2. Work your core, all day 

Instead of hitting the gym, use everyday activities to tone that tum.

“All movements come from the centre point, so even carrying shopping bags will engage the core,” says Jo-Leigh.

Whether you’re vacuuming, gardening or reaching to grab something off a shelf, focus on engaging your core muscles by zipping your belly button in and up. 

3. Get to bed

“A lack of sleep can cause food intake to go up due to a spike in cortisol, signalling to the body it needs more energy,” says Jo-Leigh.

It doesn’t help that the foods we turn to when knackered are often flat-tum saboteurs, like crisps and chocolate.

Can’t help staying up late? Brush your teeth to avoid snacking – it tells your brain that food time is over.

4. Work your pelvic floor 

These muscles essentially form the base of your core and help create a sturdy support for the spine.

A strong pelvic floor can help flatten your tummy.

Connect with yours by contracting them lightly – it should feel like you’re holding in a wee.

Squeeze and release 10-15 times.

Download the Squeezy app for more pelvic floor exercises to do daily.

5. Eat protein at every meal 

This macronutrient is key for building muscle and keeping you fuller for longer.

Jo-Leigh says: “Stick to lean meats, like chicken and turkey, or fish and eggs.”

Vegetarian sources include tofu, tempeh, beans and legumes.

Follow TikTok star Jalal Sameja for high-protein meal inspo. 

6. Don’t ditch carbs!

“Carbs are the body’s main source of fuel. Eating the correct quantity will help you feel more energised throughout the day,” says Jo-Leigh.

Look to eat slow-release, wholegrain carbs, such as brown rice and oats.

According to the NHS’s Eatwell Guide, they should make up just over a third of your diet.

7. Fill up on fibre

“Fibre is another high-satiety food,” says Jo-Leigh.

Aim for 30g a day by consuming beans, vegetables and fruit.

Just increase your intake slowly to minimise any digestive distress.

8. Stay level-headed

Finding calm when you’re dealing with bills, work and kids is tough, but necessary.

“When you’re stressed, your adrenal glands release adrenalin and cortisol, triggering the release of glucose into the bloodstream, which can then make keeping a steady weight difficult,” says Jo-Leigh.

Deep breaths can help, too – try the stress-busting app Breathwrk. 

9. Sort your posture 

Sitting and standing upright won’t burn tummy fat, but tight hip flexors could be making your pelvis tilt forward slightly, causing your gut to jut out.

Standing tall, shoulders back, with belly tucked in, can help. 


Train your midsection muscles with Jo-Leigh’s body-weight workout.

Do each for 30 seconds, rest for 20 seconds, and then move on to the next.

Engage your core at the start of each rep. 

10. Singular Toe Taps 

Lie on your back in a table-top position with knees bent above hips and arms by your side.

Gently lower one leg to the ground at a time, tap the floor and bring back up.

11. Double Toe Taps 

Start as above, but lower both legs to tap the floor, then bring back up again.

12. Criss-Cross 

Assume a table-top position with hands behind your head for support.

Lift your head off the floor and look towards your thighs.

Exhale, reach one leg out until the knee is straight.

Simultaneously twist your torso towards the opposite knee.

Inhale as you move through the middle, exhale as you switch sides, extending the other leg and rotating in the opposite direction.

13. Leg Lower 

Lie on your back with feet in the air and legs straight.

Slowly lower them down to graze the floor then raise them back up again.

Keep your back flat to the floor.

14. Single Leg Stretch 

Lie on your back with legs out and arms by your side.

Curl your head and shoulders off the floor, bend knees into your chest.

Extend one leg straight as you place both hands on the opposite shin.

Keep your pelvis and upper body stable as you switch between legs.

15. Side-Plank Hold 

Lie on your right side, extend your legs, stacking from hip to feet. Place your right elbow under your shoulder and lift up.

Align your left arm along the left side of your body.

Engage your abs, lift hips and knees from the floor while exhaling.

Hold. Repeat on your left side.

16. Double Leg Stretch

Lie in table-top position, arms flat.

Press your lower back against the floor, and have your head, neck and shoulders slightly raised.

Inhale, stretch your arms straight behind your head and legs straight into a diagonal position in front.

Exhale, and return to the starting position. Repeat. 

17. Half-Roll Back Pulse 

Sit with knees bent, feet on the floor. Hold arms in a circle shape in front of the chest.

Scoop abdominals and round the back towards the mat slowly until your mid-back makes contact with the mat.

Engage abs even deeper and roll back to the starting position.

18. Plank Hold 

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Get into a plank with your body resting on your toes and hands directly under shoulders.

Ensure toes are pushed into the floor, hips are level with shoulders and glutes are squeezed. Hold.  

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