
Find our more when new options and ideas come under discussion. Travel is a strong possibility. You might accept a chance to journey with a partner or you might enjoy a solo trip. Visiting a country you have never been to before will expand your horizons.


Before starting anything else, your main concern will be to finish a task you had hoped to have completed by now. You hate loose-ends and you just want to get this over with. There will be plenty of help available. All you have to do is ask.


Accept a difficult challenge. This is not beyond your capabilities. You can either join forces with a talented friend or colleague and learn from each other or teach yourself new skills as and when they are needed. Watching how-to videos will be interesting and illuminating.


Be willing to make compromises should this be necessary to move a joint project forward. Listen to other people’s ideas, advice and suggestions. Starting some Christmas crafts with the family will bring creative fulfilment. A casual get together will be a lot of fun.


Someone you recently met will be revealing more about their life, their experiences and their personality. They have not been deliberately dishonest with you but they needed to feel comfortable in your company before opening up and telling you more. Be prepared for some long discussions.


Going the extra mile for your family will pay off handsomely. A relative wants to introduce you to their new partner and they hope you will welcome them to the fold. Ideas discussed within the family will be worth considering. Praise everyone for their imaginative suggestions and you will cultivate a spirit of goodwill.


A group effort will make light work of all you do. Make positive use of your power to charm others into working together as a team. Joining forces with creative and talented people will enable you all to accomplish far more than anything you were thinking of doing independently.


A joint arrangement is starting to bore you. It might seem as if this relationship has nothing to offer you now but hold on before taking drastic action. You don’t have to end it as you are thinking of doing. Instead, you might both enjoy trying something new and different together.


Your attempts to encourage more flexibility in a team effort will be met with a mixed response. Creative friends will welcome new ideas. Others might prefer to keep things the way they are. Keep the good energy flowing by showing respect for the different ways people have coping.

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Voluntary work is taking up a lot of your time. Arranging fund-raising events and applying for grants will take a lot of effort but you know it will be worth it. You’re determined to find ways to generate income for a good cause or charitable organisation.


It will be necessary for you to cut ties with the past in order to find happiness in the present. Stop telling yourself that happy times you once enjoyed cannot be repeated. Start focusing on activities and relationships that make you feel centred and content.


You’re finding it hard to make plans with a friend or partner when you both have very different ideas and want different things. What you do agree on is that you want to enjoy something new together and by the end of the day you will have come to some agreement.

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