A NEWBORN baby is a beautiful thing and most parents could gladly stare at their little bundle of joy all day.

But while some aspects of parenthood aren’t quite so enchanting.

Dirty nappies are an unavoidable part of parenthood – but every cloud has a silver lining.

Some parents have seen the funny side of their tot’s toilet habits – mainly the comical faces that babies pull when they need to poo.

These babies’ mums and dads were quick to capture their little ones' hilarious expressions – with faces ranging from confused, to strained, to surprised.

Here are some of the funniest…

Oh, the horror

This tot looks pretty chuffed

You can do it

Poo can do it

Yep, we know what you're doing

This kid is definitely getting down to business

Poo dunnit?

Nope, your face doesn't give it away… honest

Smile… they won't know what you're up to

Mum's, going to have fun with that one

This baby looks a little too pleased with himself

Don't worry, a nappy hides a thousand sins

Pooping was enough to send this baby cross-eyed


One seriously unimpressed baby

Pleasantly surprised?

Oh no, not again…


Try not to think about it too much

A look of sheer determination

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