DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Now lay down the law over rogue officers

There is a reason why we expect and demand the highest standards of behaviour from the police: They hold huge and unique powers over citizens.

Exercising those powers relies not on fear, but on earning – and maintaining – the confidence and co-operation of the public. That is vital for a lawful society and for justice to be done.

But recently, a series of horrific crimes committed by depraved officers has taken a wrecking ball to trust in the thin blue line – perhaps none more so than the rape and murder of Sarah Everard.

So it is deeply troubling to learn that at least 277 officers in the past five years – including those holding the rank of inspector – have faced complaints of abusing their power for sexual gratification.

Disturbingly, while allegations were investigated, most officers remained in post. Yes, some will have been cleared of wrongdoing. But a troubling number found guilty were still permitted to keep their jobs.

So it is deeply troubling to learn that at least 277 officers in the past five years have faced complaints of abusing their power for sexual gratification

Fellow officers, domestic and sexual violence victims, witnesses, arrested suspects and drunken revellers are among those groomed and attacked by predators in uniform often posing as knights in shining armour.

There could hardly be a greater betrayal. The guardians of law and order are meant to keep people safe – not exploit them.

It is not hard to see why faith in the police has been shattered, especially among women and girls. Plainly, this has a damaging knock-on effect. If they fear officers are misogynistic or worse, they will not report crimes – and more offenders will escape justice.

So forces must become more proactive in rooting out warped conduct. Vetting should be increasingly stringent. Officers accused of sexual misconduct need suspending from duty – immediately.

Make no mistake, the overwhelming majority of police are hard-working, diligent and courageous. Look no further than the hero officer fighting for life today after being struck by a train in Nottinghamshire while dragging a vulnerable man off the tracks.

Chief constables insist they understand the scale of the task required to clean up their forces. Until they do so, trust between police and citizens cannot be rebuilt.

Positive energy

Although still high by historical standards, it is good news that gas and electricity bills will fall again this winter.

Ofgem dropping the price cap to £1,923 should help ease the pressure on hard-pressed families (although the ending of government subsidies brought in as energy costs soared after Russia invaded Ukraine means many will still feel the pinch).

Although still high by historical standards, it is good news that gas and electricity bills will fall again this winter

Ministers must ensure the most vulnerable families can heat and light their homes. But with food prices and inflation falling, this is another sign that the worst of the cost of living crisis may be behind us.

Put brakes on Ulez

The howls of anguish from those who will fall foul of Sadiq Khan’s hated Ultra Low Emissions Zone extension grow more deafening by the day.

A disabled child’s mother sobbed on national radio this week as she described the hardship the £12.50-a-day charge would inflict on her family, while the owners of modern classic cars warned yesterday they face having to sell their beloved vehicles.

The howls of anguish from those who will fall foul of Sadiq Khan’s hated Ultra Low Emissions Zone extension grow more deafening by the day

When will London’s intransigent Mayor take his fingers out of his ears and listen to the misery caused by his green virtue-signalling?

Our hopelessly detached MPs have shoved their snouts even further into the taxpayer-funded trough with payouts for those leaving Parliament at the next election doubling to £19,000. They claim they need the extra money because it takes four months, not two, to wind up their Westminster offices. Can’t they just clear their desks in a day like everybody else?

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