Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – August 21, 2023

Is it harder to navigate through darkness or fog? When finding our way through misty white wisps, we peer to find something to guide us. But in the dark we have to rely on our other senses. 

As the Sun prepares to leave its links with Neptune and Pluto, we need to trust our intuition. By carefully feeling the way forward, paths we’re destined to tread can be revealed. 


Mar 21 – Apr 20 

 Let’s make a list of all the things in life that are trivial and inconsequential — all the ridiculous situations, preposterous rules and ill-planned arrangements; the inequalities and discriminations. On second thoughts . . . stop! Unless you have a few hours (days) to spare and a ream of paper, you don’t need to do this! And it’s not a good idea anyway, because the more we focus on life’s irritations, the more we start to see. Put that list away today. If you look on the bright side, there’s lots to enjoy. Just four minutes on the phone could change your life. 

For your latest week-ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5601.

As the Sun prepares to leave its links with Neptune and Pluto, we need to trust our intuition


Apr 21 – May 21 

If you’re confident about the destination you’re heading towards, do you need to pay attention to the route? When clear about what you want to accomplish, the way to accomplish it becomes obvious. Options appear along the way. The skill is to absorb new info and let it inform your decisions. Then you can adapt and enjoy the journey. Try not to plan too carefully today. Then, when a diversion appears, you’ll be relaxed enough to deal with it. The cosmos is offering you a shortcut. You don’t want to miss it! 

Your week-ahead, in-depth forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you make. Call 0906 751 5602.


 May 22 – June 22 

You are about to find yourself in a calmer situation, feeling more confident about building an inspiring plan for your future. But right now you’re in a state of flux. You find yourself questioning just about everything that can possibly be questioned. Yet only one aspect of your life needs to be reconsidered and reinvented. You’ve been unconsciously putting this off. You think it involves more courage than you can muster. As you’re about to see, you’ve just been saving the best (easiest) decision until last. I’ve got a special message for you. 

Give me four minutes and I’ll give you the key to your future. Call 0906 751 5603.


June 23 – July 23

Are you being restricted or supported? You need to re-examine the nature of your connection to a key person in your world. It seems duties and responsibilities could be distributed more evenly, and probably without confrontation. Taking a closer look at the way we live our lives can reveal hidden blessings. And you’re being given a chance to express yourself in a creative way. The ingredients for happiness are already present in your cupboard. You just need to find a way of combining them! 

The future is waiting for you. And when you get there, you are going to love it! For insight call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 – Aug 23

Several important topics are up for discussion. Big issues demand your attention. Tricky questions are being raised. But this is good news. You’re considering a matter that needs careful evaluation. The more you understand about what’s going on, the more you’ll see you have nothing to fear (and everything to play for). As you engage in this process, you’ll realise that a burden has been lifted from your shoulders. Ignorance was weighing you down (not creating a sense of bliss). Now, you can be reinspired. Lift your spirits. 

Change your life! Your four-minute, week-ahead forecast has great news. Call 0906 751 5605.


Aug 24 – Sep 23 

No one wants to be stuck in a situation that makes them feel awkward and ill at ease. Yet sometimes it’s our fear of ending up in such a position that traps us in exactly the situation we don’t want to be in. Although we tend to think that our greatest enemies are organisations, arrangements or people, they’re often found in our own darkest thoughts. When we realise that, it’s amazing how quickly we move beyond negative beliefs and find creative ways forward. You can give yourself a refreshing sense of freedom today. 

Want to hear some priceless information about your week ahead? Call 0906 751 5606.

Horoscope today: Daily guide to what the stars have in store for YOU – August 21, 2023


Sep 24 – Oct 23 

We depend on technological wonders that were undreamed of a few years ago. We face a future so profoundly different from the past that it’s beyond our comprehension. No wonder there’s so much uncertainty in the air. No wonder, too, that we hold on to our traditions. Amazing things are possible in your life. But one, in particular, is worth aiming for. Don’t be afraid of your future. Embrace it. You’ll soon start feeling grateful for everything that’s happening in your world. It’s going to be a surprisingly good day. 

Do yourself a favour; treat yourself! There’s exciting news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.


Oct 24 – Nov 22 

True artistic talent involves revealing what lies beyond the obvious. From Caravaggio to Shakespeare to Spielberg, creative geniuses find ways to show us possibilities we recognise and appreciate. But we don’t need to compare ourselves to such folk. We’re all creative and have the ability to look beyond the everyday events of our lives and find inspiration. We just need to give ourselves time (and permission) to do it. The facts are incontrovertible today. To make them work for you, just tap into your imagination. In a week of celestial creativity, transform your life. 

For your week ahead forecast, call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

We all have the power to heal and the ability to be healed. Interestingly, we need to tap into the first power in order to initiate the second. You’re aware something in your world is ‘wrong’. It has, over time, sapped your strength and forced you to cope with a series of events which have challenged your patience. Today brings a much-needed chance to identify and address its source — then correct it. And then, you can start having a more positive effect on the lives of the people you care for. I’ve got much more to tell you. 

Your latest four minute forecast is packed with insight. Call 0906 751 5609.


Dec 22 – Jan 20 

In an old joke, two hikers come across a bear in the woods. The first gets on their knees to pray, the other kneels to tighten their shoes. ‘What are you doing?’ asks the first, ‘you can’t outrun a bear.’ ‘No,’ replies the second, ‘but I can outrun you!’ Winning seems to come more naturally to some people than others. Yet, the second we reach life’s finish line, we all find ourselves facing that bear! Life doesn’t always need to be lived at 100 mph. Be content, today, simply to enjoy the journey. There’s nothing to be scared of. 

To hear how your life could change for the better, call your latest week-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

Do you feel that sense of relief yet? You’ve had to put up with so much and have coped impressively. But the effort has taken its toll. You could desperately use a break from all the commotion. So here it comes. It’s time to settle yourself and recuperate. You don’t need to feel responsible for dealing with everyone’s issues. You’re getting back the control you’ve been lacking. But there’s more. A generous gift from a kindly cosmos is coming. It’s a reward for all the hard work you’ve put in. There’s excitement in the skies. 

Find out how to maximize your luck this week. Call 0906 751 5611.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

When we have a sudden, inspired idea, we’re filled with so much enthusiasm that, in our haste to share it, we can inadvertently come across as being rude. We’re so swept up in our excitement that we forget how other people might be feeling. Just be aware that, in your eagerness to take advantage of a new opportunity, you don’t unintentionally step on anyone’s toes. By explaining carefully, you’ll give everyone the time and space they need to process your information. Then they’ll be able to join in with your joy. 

Your four minute, week-ahead forecast is jam-packed full of important news. Call 0906 751 5612.

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