Millions of Brits admit they're tired ‘all the time’ – but struggle to get to sleep due to stress.

Adults say ‘I’m tired’ out loud three times a day, according to poll of 2,000 people, with one in 10 saying the phrase five times or more.

The leading cause behind almost half of Brits' tiredness is general stress (42 per cent), the poll found.

Work (29 per cent), money worries (24 per cent) and relationship issues (19 per cent) were other factors keeping them up all night.

And more than one in 10 (14 per cent) said they felt constantly weary.

Dr Ranj Singh, sleep and wellness ambassador at Furniture Village, which commissioned the research as part of its campaign for a better night’s sleep, said: "There's a lot going on which can impact our sleep – especially right now.

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“Being awake can be stressful enough, and if you’re not getting the sleep you need to recharge your brain and body, that can have a serious long-term impact.

“Having disjointed sleep every now and then isn’t unusual, but if it’s every night, you will find your energy levels dwindling and your ability to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life will significantly reduce.”

The research also found one in five find it difficult – if not impossible – to pinpoint exactly why they have had a bad night’s sleep.

However, 63 per cent tried to avoid stress triggers right before going to bed, with 60 per cent blaming it for their inability to sleep.

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Reading a book (22 per cent) and switching phones off completely (17 per cent) were popular ways to de-stress at night.

And 30 per cent reported leaving their phone on charge in another room overnight, to stop them looking at it too close to lights-out.

The NHS recommends you get between seven and nine hours of sleep per night as an adult.

"You probably do not get enough sleep if you're constantly tired during the day," it said.

The poll found that Brits believe they need seven hours and 15 minutes of kip each night to be fully functional, with just one in 10 feeling like they get ‘more than enough’.

Instead, the average adult reckoned they fail to get the requisite number of hours on three nights out of seven each week.

As a result, 54 per cent of sleep-deprived citizens reported feeling irritable due to tiredness and have two naps a week to supplement their sleep.

It also emerged that when tired, 32 per cent have turned to junk food instead of healthy options, and 24 per cent have had an argument with their partner.

While 22 per cent have even burst into tears due to being overtired, and 20 per cent have succumbed to illness.

But 25 per cent of adults polled via OnePoll were so concerned about their ongoing tiredness they saw a doctor or medical professional.

If you feel tired all the time, the NHS recommended you try to work out what might be the cause of it before talking about it to a doctor.

"Unexplained tiredness is one of the most common reasons for people to see their GP," it said.

Dr Ranj, who has created top tips to combat stress for those wanting a perfect night of sleep, added: “The things keeping Brits awake at night are a mix of mental and physical.

“It’s difficult to sleep if you’re in a noisy or stimulating environment, if you’re uncomfortable, or your pillow and mattress aren’t providing the right support.

“In fact, 58 per cent of people said having a decent mattress was very important when it comes to making sure they have a good night’s sleep.

“People aren’t averse to trying to improve their physical sleeping conditions either, with 28 per cent getting new pillows while 24 per cent had got a new mattress.

“But similarly, many issues are psychological – stress, work or money worries, or problems in your relationship can also have people staring at the ceiling during the witching hour.”

Top 20 things keeping Brits up at night

1.            Too hot

2.            General stress

3.            A blocked nose

4.            Too cold

5.            Work worries

6.            Partner snoring

7.            A bad tummy

8.            Worrying about personal finances

9.            Being in an unusual location

10.         Worrying about the cost of living crisis

11.         An uncomfortable mattress

12.         Relationship issues

13.         Napping in the daytime

14.         An argument with a partner when trying to sleep

15.         Traffic noise outside

16.         Difficult home life

17.         Jetlag after returning from a holiday

18.         Kids struggling to sleep – so they kept me up

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19.         Baby crying

20.         Allergies making me sneeze

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