A few go-to names often come to mind when you think of luxury brands, such as Louis Vuitton, Coach, Chanel, YSL, or Hermès. While it is a common belief that designer bags are better than a cheap knock off, it does come down to what you are willing to spend your money on. For example, ELLE would argue the arm accessory is always worth the investment, but some brands, or at least their styles of bags, may not be worth the investment.
Prada, for example, has seen a recent rebirth of its once-popular nylon shoulder bag from the early 2000s (via PopSugar), and while the classic silhouette may have had real star power back in the day, one has to ask the question: has the bag gone out of style? While the outlet agrees that it can often be fun to relive a trend from your youth, this particular bag should be left in your closet or sold online so you can update to a newer, trendier bag.
Is Prada having a production slowdown?
According to Jing Daily, Prada was easily a top brand back in the early 1990s and was extremely popular in the Chinese market. Sadly, the outlet has reported that the Italian luxury fashion house has been going through some difficult times trying to remodel its label. The outlet also noted that the company had a profit loss of 10 percent back in 2018 since the demand for its bags had shrunk.
Fashion magazine bible Vogue also reported that even though Prada had a healthy 2019, the Milan-based company had expressed fears of its 2020 numbers. Like many other high-end brands, Prada does not just sell just expensive handbags; it also produces items of clothing and even office supplies, such as its $420 paperclip. But despite its roster of products, many fashion consumers have fallen out of love with the once luxury brand, as one shopper told Jing Daily, “Prada is not on my radar if I want to buy a new luxury handbag this year.”
Prada may be overrated
The New York Times called Prada “One of the most influential luxury brands of modern times,” and most fashion critics agree, according to the site. Sadly, the fact is the brand has not sold well in recent years. Even though the powerhouse has received reviews like, “Resounding repudiation of milquetoast fashion” (via Financial Times), by 2014, there were financial cracks that had begun to splinter into the public sector. The snowball effect of several lackluster years has made it hard for Prada to once again climb to the top of the fashion mountain.
Miuccia Prada made it clear to fashion lovers all over the world that she didn’t “want to be judged by sales. My life is so much more important than sales. We’re not really a commercially driven company.” With these strong words from the owner, the company has slowly and surely begun its comeback tour and won over new customers. The newspaper revealed that Lorenzo Bertelli, who is Mrs. Prada’s son, has decided to sideline his dreams of race car driving for a post as head of marketing and communications. With new life comes a fresh air and design process, and maybe, just maybe, Prada will one day be worth investing in again.
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