Toxic job interviews

Stupid interview games. “They put me at a low table with a low chair, placed water in a carafe with an empty glass – all just out of reach so that I’d have to stand and reach for it, and then interviewed me as a panel of six employees sitting at a tall table with tall chairs. The questions were all more about my character than my skills. The whole thing was so obviously staged to make me feel uncomfortable. An interview is a conversation, not an interrogation. Treat it like an interrogation, and I’m out. It’s a clear sign of a toxic workplace – I’ve yet to see an exception to this rule.”

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One in a million

Graham writes: “On my OE in 1962, I went to a stage show in London and when I came out I forgot where I had parked the car. I must have looked lost because a fancy Jaguar pulled up and asked me if I needed help. He told me to hop in and we drove around until we found my car. I was surprised to learn that he was also a Kiwi. Many months later on the Oriana coming home from the UK to NZ (it was cheaper than flying), I was having a drink at the bar and talking to a fellow Kiwi and I said that I thought that I knew him but, talking to him, it was obvious that we had not met in NZ. Then he told me that he had a Jaguar on board the ship which he was taking back to NZ. I said do you remember picking me up in London when I was lost and, yes, it was the same guy.”

Phonetically correct

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