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Richard Madeley made a very obvious dig at Britney Spears during Monday’s edition of Good Morning Britain, criticising her for pole dancing at the age of 41.

His remarks have caused quite a few raised eyebrows – including those of his co-host, Kate Garraway, 56, and Ranvir Singh, 46, who had no time for his remark.

The pair, who fronted today’s show, were checking in with Ranvir ahead of today’s upcoming episode of Lorraine, where she is standing in for usual anchor Lorraine Kelly.

After Ranvir brought up the US popstar amid talk of her divorce from husband of 14 months Sam Asghari, Richard, 67, took it upon himself to try and confirm Britney’s age, slightly randomly.

As Ranvir laughed over being put on the spot and joked she wasn’t the ‘Britney correspondent’, it was later confirmed that the Toxic chart-topper was 41.

The host then smoothly commented that the singer ‘looked amazing for 41’ as she promised Richard that there was plenty more coming up on Britney as she quipped that he seemed ‘very invested in the story’.

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However, Richard swerved the conversation over to her Instagram – where the star enjoys sharing videos of herself dancing and sometimes partially nude as she continues to enjoy her freedom following the end of her controversial 13-year conservatorship in 2021.

This included an enthusiastic pole dancing session earlier in August, where Britney showed off some of her best squats, grinding and general moves, and it was this that appeared to be at the top of the presenter’s mind as he blasted her for her decisions.

‘I just wonder when she’s going to stop pole dancing, you know?’ he offered, holding his hands up.

As Kate raised her eyebrows and pulled a face at his remarks, Ranvir hit back, joking: ‘You’ve clearly got her Instagram!’

This caused audible chuckles from the morning show’s crew, as well as Kate, who burst out laughing.

‘I report what I read in the papers, she’s not on there, promise’ Richard claimed in his own defence.

‘Backfired, didn’t it?’ was Ranvir’s immediate comeback, adding a sassy ‘bye!’ to Richard.

There was also backlash online for Richard’s casual yet pointed comment.

‘When is Britney going to stop pole dancing’ When you stop being a judgmental prig!’ complained one viewer.

‘Sometimes wonder if Richard Madeley doesn’t stop and think before he opens his mouth. Because what come out at times can be cringey,’ added another.

Over the weekend, Britney took to Instagram for the first time since confirming her split from Sam, sharing a video of herself frolicking topless in bed.

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She then posted pictures wearing a sparkly green dress as she enjoyed a rowdy night out amid her new single status, after appearing to suggest a friend had tipped off the paparazzi ahead of them meeting for food.

Alongside clips that showed a male pal licking her leg and her being hoisted horizontally into the arms of a row of friends, she wrote: ‘I put my green dress on and show up at my friends !!!’

‘I invited my fav boys over and PLAYED ALL NIGHT !!!’

Good Morning Britain airs weekdays from 6am on ITV1.

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