BBC Morning Live presenter Kym Marsh was swiftly replaced by Rav Wilding on the latest edition of the show after she pulled out just hours before. Explaining the change to viewers live on-air, Gethin Jones announced she was ill as Rav went on to share further details.

He spilled: “Yes, she is unfortunately. She called in a few hours ago, she’s sick, possibly stress-related. I think she has a lot going on at the mo, and possible shingles. So, nasty if she’s got that. Kym, I know you’re watching at home, get well soon.”

Gethin added: “She’s got so much going on with her dad at the moment, Dave’s been on Morning Live talking about his prostate cancer. We know the doctors can no longer treat him.”

The presenting duo then turned to Doctor Oscar on the show, who explained how stress can bring on shingles. He revealed the relation between the pair was not “entirely” understood, but that it could be down to an “over-challenged immune system”.

The doctor went on to say you can take anti-viral tablets to help treat it, adding: “Hopefully Kym is on the case with that.”

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