Kevin Costner‘s “out of the blue” split from Christine Baumgartner maybe wasn’t so blindsiding, after all?

The pending divorce from the Yellowstone actor and his wife of 18 years has been turning into one of the nastier celeb splits we’ve seen. It seems like every day new messy details are brought to light, with most recently a former tenant of Kevin’s response to his alleged affair with Christine making waves across the news. Aside from that, there’s been issues with the 49-year-old designer reportedly refusing to leave one of the couple’s homes even though it’s completely against their prenup, her demanding an OUTLANDISH amount of child support from her soon-to-be ex hubby, and allegations of credit card shenanigans! All of this was seemingly out of nowhere as Kevin supposedly had wanted to try to win her back just days before!

We’ve heard from the start that the divorce filing came completely out of nowhere for the Field of Dreams star, leaving him in shambles — but according to new sources for The US Sun over the weekend, it looks like there was a different reason he was shocked — because he was under the impression the split would be amicable!

According to insiders, the day before Christine served him with divorce papers, the couple sat together in their Montecito, California home with their children and broke the news of their upcoming breakup:

“Kevin sat his family down, told them he and their mum were getting a divorce and his lawyer was getting the paperwork drawn up. He wanted everything to be peaceful for the sake of his kids and told Christine he didn’t want a messy divorce because he’d already been through one.”

Damn… well, so far it’s definitely not anything shy of MESSY! And it may get even worse than his last one!

The source went on to say Christine got him with a “sneak attack”:

“Then first thing the next morning, boom, Christine sneak attacks him and serves him with her own set of divorce papers. Kevin was so shocked. Christine has since made him look terrible, and has continued to do so.”

This comes as a big shock — and a wildly different story than what she recounted in her court filings. In case you didn’t hear, in her June 16 legal docs, Christine claimed there was no sit-down and Kevin broke the news of their divorce to the kids — Cayden, 16, Hayes, 14, and Grace, 13 — over a Zoom call:

“After a 24-year relationship, from his hotel room in Las Vegas, Kevin told our three children that we were getting divorced over a 10-minute Zoom call without me present. I am still confused by his motivation to do this via a very short Zoom session, especially since he was planning on being home five days later.”

Whoa! So if this is true, both sides look worse? He wasn’t the blindsided victim, she hasn’t been honest? Who the heck is this source then? The kids???

She went on to allege her costly child support demands weren’t without merit:

“Our marital lifestyle, including that of the children, was consistent with Kevin’s long-term exceedingly high income. My primary goal is to make sure that the children continue to thrive, and when they are with me, to live in a home and lifestyle that is at least somewhat comparable to that of their father.”

Christine also alluded to the fact that her reason for not leaving their home is because she doesn’t want to go without child support — she claimed she only had about $50,000 to her name:

“I have avoided being public about the reasons for our divorce. I have done this to protect our family’s privacy. I did not pressure Kevin to leave the Yellowstone show. Kevin’s public attacks on me are harmful for our family. I believe they are meant to pressure me to move out without a temporary child support order in place.”

Yeesh. It definitely doesn’t look like either of them are going to get that clean, amicable breakup any time soon!

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