We’ve discussed Barbra Streisand’s Basement Mall here before — I mean really, how could we not? — but not until now could we cover Stephen Colbert touring Barbra Streisand’s Basement Mall. Babs appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert this week to promote her new memoir, My Name Is Barbra, which came out November 7. Well, I say “appeared on,” but really it was Stephen Colbert who appeared on Barbra’s property, as he flew out to her Malibu, CA home to film the interview. As it should be!

Barbra Streisand published her memoir earlier this month, giving readers a glimpse into her impressive life and career.

In the book, the 81-year-old star recalls an eerie warning from Judy Garland, her friendship with King Charles, as well as her marriage to James Brolin.

While promoting the memoir, Streisand has given the likes of Stephen Colbert and Gayle King a tour of her Malibu, California home — including the tiny shopping mall that she has in her basement.

Streisand uses the space to store her antique collection in a unique way, with the mall including a doll shop, a gift shop, and a sweet shop. Each store has its own retro window display to show off what’s inside.

[From Business Insider]

Aside from one fleeting moment of panic when Stephen tries to buy something, Barbra was pretty receptive to Stephen’s antics, which was nice to see. And he came well-prepared. Among his gags were whipping out a coupon for ‘Bed Babs & Beyond,’ and planting two Barbies in the doll room, one of Babs and the other a Stephen Colbert holding a mini copy of her new memoir. Well done, Stephen. But speaking of doll room, fair warning — the following video contains graphic depictions of arguably creepy dolls:

Aw, what a gentleman Stephen is, lending her his arm to descend the spiral staircase. And love the cameo of the cloned-canines! Those dolls though… First of all, I wish we saw Barbra’s face when he asks if she considered calling the “store” Hello Dolly. Was she peeved? (She kinda sounds it!) But honestly, I don’t know if it’s the specific type of dolls she’s collected, their age, or just seeing them in such a high concentration. They’re freaky! And I’m saying that as someone who had porcelain dolls as a kid. Anyway, I wish Stephen all the best in the witness protection program he will be entering for filching the pink glass. Totally worth it.

photos are screenshots from YouTube and credit Avalon.red

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